Sunday, January 24, 2010

The night before

I am ready.

-Washed my hair
-Waxed my legs
-Applied scrub on my body
-Cleaned my ears
-Cut my fingernails
-Toes and fingers vernished ( soft french manicure for discrete appearance )
-Applied cream on my body ( chocolate orange from Body Shop, don't search for it, it was an exclusive one shot 6 years ago, still have half of the jar, because applying cream bores me AND I save this cream for very special occasions. ) (... it doesn't smell the same as 6 years ago...)
-Applied cream on my face
-Opened Dior anti-rides sample ( ...that I was saving for my Mum, she will forgive. ) and applied it around my eyes
-Prepared my lunch for tomorrow in small boxes and put them inside a Firmenich bag :)
-Put my clothes for tomorrow on the sofa ( including stockings and underwear )
-Drank milk ( so that I would sleep earlier than usual - casue I have to wake up much earlier than usual. )
-Put the alarm at 7:01 ( I hate symmetry, usually wake up at 01, or 47 and recently started to like 59 too, for the "early bird" effect :)
-Sitting in my bed waiting for getting sleepy

What can go wrong on my first day?

- I ignore the alarm
- The alarm will not work
- The alarm will work but I put my phone mute
- I burn my toasts for breakfast
- I burn myself while making my toasts
- I burn the house while making toasts
- I leave the house late
- I don't find the keys for the car
- I don't find my car
- I don't find my way to work
- My stockings will hole
- Nobody will wait for me when I arrive
- I do not get an office for myself
- I forget my name when being introduced to my colleagues ( happened already, have to say it the most handsome young perfumer of our time! )
- They tell me to go home, they have changed their minds and chosen my japanese classmate instead of me
- My colleagues hate me directly
- I forget to put my lunch to the fridge
- I sit alone for lunch
- Nobody talks to me the whole day because...
- I stink
- I forget to wash my teeth and will have pieces of thyme and salad stuck on them
- Nobody kindly reminds me that I have pieces of thyme and salad stuch on my teeth
- They blind test me on the natural raw materials and I fail
- I waste too much raw material when weighting formulas
- I get a stomach flu from my lunch
- My boss shouts at me
- I cry in the lady's room because my boss shouted at me
- The boss of my boss finds me in the lady's room crying and decides I am not strong enough for this company, so, she fires me
- They force me to work with estragon, hence I puke
- I have no access to bulgarian rose oil

...I could go on with this list but I am going to force myself to sleep now!

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