Monday, November 26, 2012

Just onions

Sometimes you feel like you have nothing more to say, everything has been said in this way or another, so why even bother?

Then you enter your small Parisian kitchen for a coffee, and directly you smell onions cut just half an hour ago, invading your kitchen with this sour, unpleasant fustiness that actually makes you think that this is probably what death itself would smell like.

And then instead of any anxiety or disgust you are just there in the kitchen and you are amazed by this very fragrant molecule that is taking more and more air over in your apartment uncontrollably and you just say thank you to God, or to whoever you think has made this happen, and you know that tomorrow is going to be a different day, and amazing things are just about to come and you can still create beautiful olfactive stories that are original and creative, just as this is not the first time you have smelled tired onions either but you have never seen it this way, it's new and though unfriendly, but very charming.